Preventing Account Lockouts After Password Reset
To prevent a lockout issue from happening, please review the list of common sources of lockout provided below when convenient. If an application or device retains an old password for too long after a password change, it will lock the account. To resolve this, unlock the account, then update the password on the device and log back into the application.
Getting Started
Lockout Prevention Steps
Please check each of the following steps to clear any old password from your devices to prevent your account from being locked.
Clear Saved Outlook Credentials on a MCC workstation (Employee Only)
Clear any saved Outlook credentials using the steps in the article
Note: Faculty and staff articles are password protected, and you will need to log into IT Hub by logging in first to see this article. You will log in with your employee credentials.
Update Wireless Password
Forget the McLennan wireless, if applicable, on your smartphone and laptop:
- On your smartphone -
- Go to Settings and then the WiFi option. Turn on wireless if needed.
- For iPhones, tap the blue 'i' next to McLennan and select the option to forget the network. If it only has the option to join the network, feel free to turn the wireless back off.
- For Androids, typically you tap and hold on McLennan to reach the forget network option, but it varies by model.'
- On your MCC workstation -
- In the search bar on the Taskbar at the bottom, search for "WiFi Settings" and select from the search results
- Select 'Manage known networks'
- Select 'McLennan'
- Click on Forget
- Close the Settings dialog box and then try to reconnect to the McLennan wireless network
- If you have any tablets or other devices, please check them and forget the network if the option is available to.
Email on a Smartphone
If you have your MCC email on your smartphone, please check your email and confirm that it is updating successfully.
Account Locked
- Use Unlock Account to unlock the account.
- Change the old passwords on devices using the steps in the Lockout Prevention Steps section.
Personal and Classroom Workstations
- Per our security policy, personal laptops are no longer allowed on the McLennan wireless network (only smartphones for employee email). Employees may use the MCC-Guest network instead when on a personal computer.
- Check that you are not logged into another MCC workstation with previous password. Advise to restart those workstations (e.g. classroom podium desktops).
- For shared workstations, recommend you “Sign Out” of those workstations when work is completed instead of “Lock”. Only use “Lock” for assigned workstation.
- For shared workstations, recommend you “Sign Out” of those workstations when work is completed instead of “Lock”. Only use “Lock” for assigned workstation.