MyMCC Troubleshooting
This article covers basic troubleshooting accessing MyMCC and resolving errors.
Getting Started
Your "Connection is not fully secure" Error in Chrome or Edge
- Right-click the "Not Secure" message to the left of the URL (or the web address in the top of the browser).
- Select Site Settings.
- Set "Insecure Content" to allow.
You can also try:
- Click the Advanced button on the left bottom of the error box.
- You should see another link that reads, "Proceed to "" (unsafe).
- You may bypass the error by click on the "Proceed to ... (unsafe) link.
Secure Connection Failed Error in Firefox
Click on "Enable TLS 1.0 and 1.1" or "Accept the Risk and Continue".
"This site can’t be reached" or "Connection was reset" Error
Please check the article MyMCC Blocked by Antivirus Software.