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Cybersecurity News & Training

April 3, 2023

Information Systems & Services (ISS) is made up of a few different teams. To keep the community informed and up-to-date with security awareness, our Cybersecurity Team plans to send out a monthly newsletter. Our goal is to help you better understand cybersecurity and provide you with the knowledge and skills to recognize, report, and prevent cyberattacks within MCC.  

Cybercrime is on the rise. The easiest way for hackers to get to an organization is through you! Hackers may use different types of cyberattacks including: digital, in-person, or phone.  

How does ISS help? 

We have a Cybersecurity team who is dedicated to the safety of our community and the security of internet-connected systems and services. This team responds to events, develops standards, provides cybersecurity professional development, and audits IT systems.

Currently, we use Barracuda to filter and block SPAM or phishing emails. 

Cybersecurity Training Starts This Week

Starting today, you will receive emails from KnowBe4 for training. This email will contain a link to the training. The training is one video. Training ends on 4/17.

The from address will be: KnowBe4 <>

The subject will read: You've been enrolled in training

This training is required in accordance with Section 2054.5191 of The State of Texas Government Code. Professional Development credit is not allowed for state mandated training.

How else can you help? 

As students, faculty, and staff, please be aware. Phishing is the most common form of an attack. Here are a few red flags to keep in mind:    

  • FROM:  an email from an unknown sender; you know the sender, but the email looks funny
  • TO:  you were copied on an email and you do not know the other people also in the email
  • DATE:  you receive an email you would normally receive during business hours, but it was sent at 4am
  • SUBJECT:  the subject line does not make sense or does not match the message content; the email is about something you never requested, or a receipt for something you never purchased
  • CONTENT:  the sender is asking you to click on a link to open an attachment; you have an uncomfortable feeling, or it seems odd
  • ATTACHMENT:  any attachment you receive, and you were not expecting
  • HYPERLINKS:  misspellings in the link; hyperlinks asking you to take action; when you hover your cursor over the link, and the link address is for a different website

Remember to: STOP, LOOK, and THINK before you click.